God was generous to us by sending Jesus. Not only is Jesus the greatest gift - He is also the best example of someone we can look to when we give. Becasue of God's generosity toward us, we can also be generous to everyone around us.
Core Question -
How does God's generosity give us a reason to give?
Memory Verse
Every good and perfect gift is from God. (James 1:17).
Christmas has arrived! A time when people of all ages, all around the world stop to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
This week, you might like to take the time to read some books, watch some videos, or go to Church to learn more about Jesus. The wonderful thing about Jesus is that he invites everyone to follow him.
Full resources are in the PDF attached, or available in print from Emmanuel Uniting Church
Christmas is getting closer! Everywhere we go we see Christmas. We hear Christmas. We smell Christmas. We might even feel Christmas. What have you been noticing? What brings you joy?
This week, we encourage you to take some time to think about your Christmas traditions. What Christmas traditions have been passed down to you? What new traditions have you started in recent years? Are there any new traditions that you’d like to start this year? As you feel surrounded by Christmas, we pray that you may experience joy – not just moments of joy but a long-lasting joy.
Full resources are in the PDF attached, or available in print from Emmanuel Uniting Church