Christmas Day - Something is Here, Jesus - Saturday, 25 December 2021

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24 December, 2021

READ Isaiah 9:2-7, Psalm 96, Luke 2:1-20

Our readings this week draw our attention towards the awareness of God in our midst: Isaiah casts the prophecy forwards, of the light dawning, Psalms calls us to marvel at the splendour of God manifest in the world, and Luke is the story of that glorious moment of light dawning that Isaiah saw. This final week of Advent is a celebration – rightly so – and it is full of light and hope. This week we will encourage each other with what God is actually doing in our lives and our community. What are the things that God is doing among us that people might not normally see?


When it’s dark, it can be hard to see what is right in front of us. When Jesus arrived, it was with light and joy – the angels lit up the sky, the stars pointed at the new thing that was happening. The reading from Isaiah draws our attention to this: The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.

Over the last few weeks, we have been building an Advent tree: it’s full of our reflections and thanks, and prayers and hopes. Today, we are going to add the pinnacle of the Advent story– a baby in an unlikely place. The Christmas story encourages us to look in ordinary places for extraordinary things – for a light dawning in a dark place. Angels appearing to wisemen, a Bright star shining in the sky.

Advent is also a time for gathering together and for sharing, so I want to encourage you to turn to the people around you and have a bit of a think, together.

  • Where have you seen bright light dawning in dark places?
  • Where have you seen people respond and be renewed in relationship?
  • Think about ways that you can see Jesus in your workplace, or school, or home – in your friends or workmates, or family, or household. Think and share specific examples.

To finish off our Advent tree – we are going to add Jesus to the scene. During the service write down the stories that you have shared, and the ways that you have seen Jesus show up in your life this year, and then add them to the tree here, or take them home.


Isaiah called the people to look forward to the day when the people walking in darkness would see a great light. He encouraged his people to see a future, where a light has dawned on the darkness. God, please help us to see and know that light. Help us to be the light in dark places, and to recognise and share the stories of how we see Jesus in our lives. Thank you for your light, Jesus the Light of the World. Amen.

Watery Advent 5. JESUS

Usually, during Advent, we do an advent candle wreath, however this year we are doing a water wreath! Especially in the hot Australian Summer water is something that we anticipate, that we hope for. A cup of cool cup of water on a hot summer’s day, rain for our farmers and lawns, water to swim in, water for baptism! Water is a powerful symbol. 

So each week, just like we would with a candle wreath, we’re going to fill a new cup instead of lighting a new candle as we reflect on Hope, Love, Peace, and Joy. Each week we will be adding more to the Jesse tree and to remind us of life growing out of the stump.

1: As we pour the water to complete our wreath, we celebrate the coming of Jesus.

All: We thank you for coming as one unlike anyone else. [Pour water into the fifth glass.]

2: We remember the one who came by water and blood, the one who cried for his dead friend, the one who was thirsty and asked a woman for a drink.

All: We thank you for coming as one unlike anyone else.

1: We remember the one who walked on water, the one who calmed the waves, the one who turned water into wine.

All: We thank you for coming as one unlike anyone else.

2: We remember the one who is living water for us here and now.

All: We thank you because our thirst for God is quenched in you. Amen.

Materials adapted from: &     

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Full resources are in the PDF attached, or available in print from Emmanuel Uniting Church


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Full resources are in the PDF attached, or available in print from Emmanuel Uniting Church
