Watch God's Story - Jesus
- What do you think is the most amazing thing Jesus did?
- Tell your own “quick version” of Jesus’ story.
Watch Joy
- What sounds bring you joy?
- What things drain your joy?
- What can you do to remain joyful in all circumstances?
- Make ‘Joy’ bunting to hang in your home.
- Look up the Bible verses in the video. Add them to your bunting.
- Advent Bunting printable template and instructions attached.
Watch Mary Did you Know?
- Do you think Mary knew any of these things about her son, Jesus?
- What surprises you about the things that Mary would have experienced as Jesus’ mother?
- Find (or finish making) your Advent wreath, light the third candle.
- Take some time to think, reflect and pray about the Joy that can be found in all circumstances.
- Advent Wreath craft idea instructions attached.
Watch Painting Peace
- How does this video make you feel?
- What do you think God might be saying to you through this video?
- What would peace look like for yourself, family and world this year?
- Create your own PEACE picture (use any medium) based on what you have learned about peace this week.
- Bless others by sharing your picture.
Watch He is the Gift
- What part of this video did you like best?
- Where have you seen or experienced Jesus, the King?
- Sing the words of the song as you watch the video.
- Write a poem, song or prayer about Jesus, the gift of peace and share it with someone.
Watch Peace on Earth
- What part of this video stood out to you?
- What do you think is the key message of the video?
- How do you think you can help bring Peace on Earth?
- Think and pray about where and how you could help restore peace in a relationship or situation this week.
- Ask God to help you plan, and then go ahead and do it.
Watch Peace word study
- What did you learn about peace from this video?
- How could you “make complete” or restore a relationship this week?
- Can you say the Biblical words for Peace? (Shalom, Eirene)
- Look up the bible verses in the video. Add them to your Peace bunting.
- What other Peace references can you find in the bible?
Watch God's Story - Ruth
- What part of Ruth’s story did you like best?
- What do you think it means for you to be part of Ruth’s, and Jesus’ family?
- Read the book of Ruth (it’s only short) and tell someone about what you learned.
Watch Peace
- Do you feel like this week is a week of Peace?
- When do you feel most at Peace?
- What can you do to bring peace in stressful or chaotic times?
- Make ‘Peace’ bunting to hang in your home.
- Look up the Bible verses in the video. Add them to your bunting.
- Advent Bunting printable template and instructions attached.