Watch Joy
- What does it mean for you to choose Joy?
- How can you let God’s joy move you?
- Sing and Dance along to the song, as you let God’s joy move in and through you.
Watch Joy to the World
- What do you think it means to “let heaven and nature sing”?
- On this, the first day of 2021, take some time to pray and ask God to help you remain focused and put time and energy into the things that bring you, your family and the world hope, peace, joy and love.
Watch Joy
- What stood out to you most in this video? What things resonated with you?
- What do you think God might be saying to you? What will you do about it?
- On this, the last day of 2020, take some time to reflect and pray about what has brought you hope, peace, joy and love this year.
Watch The Mystery of the New Noisy Neighbour
- What part of this video did you like best?
- I wonder how you would have felt if you had visited baby Jesus with the shepherds or with the wise men?
- Do your own detective work and learn more about this special baby... Read Luke 1: 26-38 and Luke 2:1-20.
Watch The First Christmas
- What did Chris, Joy and Gizmo learn about Christmas?
- What do you think it would be like to have been alive at the time of Jesus’ birth?
- Go back and do or finish any of the challenges that you didn’t get to do or finish.
Watch He Came
- What words stood out to you?
- What difference does Jesus coming to earth make?
- Read the words as they come up in the video.
- Write down these and other words that you would use to describe Jesus.
- You could also make some "Jesus" bunting to hang in your home.
Watch The Story of Christmas
- What is your favourite part of the Christmas story?
- What is your favourite thing to do on the days after Christmas?
- Go back and watch any of the other advent videos that you didn’t get to see.
Watch Painting Love
- How does this video make you feel?
- What do you think God might be saying to you through this video?
- What does it mean to show Love?
- Create your own LOVE picture (use any medium) based on what you have learned about love this week.
- Bless others by sharing your picture.
Friday 25 December: Watch Christmas by kids
- What is your favourite part of this video or the Christmas story?
- Do you think a baby can really change the world? How, or why?
- As you celebrate today, remember that Jesus is the Baby that changed the world. Take some time to share talk about this with someone today.