
Worship In Person

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Worship is one of the central activities that we participate in as a church. Each of our Sunday services are unique and inspired opportunities for us to express our love for God. Through our worship services we provide opportunities for God to speak to us and through us to inspire us in our lives of discipleship.

Through the Summer School Holiday's our 9:30 worship service times have changed.

Special services throughout December are listed on our events page.

Services in January are 8am (traditional) and 5pm (family / table worship) through until Sunday Jan 20 when we are scheduled to return to our 9:30am service, coinciding with the start of the school year.

Sunday December 31 (NYE) 8am 5pm.

Sunday 7 January (Holy Communion) 8am 5pm

Sunday 14 January 8am 5pm

Sunday 21 January 8am 9.30am

Our 8am Sunday service is a traditional style of service. This is a quieter, more structured style of service where we sing the great hymns of our tradition. We share together in communion on the first Sunday of each month.

Our 5pm Sunday service will be a more casual service based around the table and will involve a shared meal and prayer and discussion.. These interactive services are family friendly and open to all ages and all stages of faith. Come as you are and bring a plate to share as you are able.

Our 9.30am Sunday Worship is a contemporary service designed for young families. We use contemporary songs from a wide range of sources, have an informal style of worship and have a high degree of participation in the leadership of the worship services. The preaching is biblically based and is relevant to people’s lives. Communion is shared on the first Sunday of each month. Sunday School is run during the school terms, during this service.

If you would like to worship online please click here for more information.

More From 'About Us'

Community Helping Hand

Community Helping Hand is one way we can connect with our local Community by offering Help, using our Hands and Hearts. It seems incredible that in our community there are some people who don’t have homes but sleep in our parks, and that there are people who have to come here for food. What we offer is not fancy gourmet food, but basic things: baked beans, rice, noodles, milk, tea bags, toothpaste, etc. As well as offering bags of food, may we care for these people with our prayers, and be mindful of these people on the sidelines of our community.

We offer the food hamper service as an Emergency Relief Basis and the hours of service are as follows.

Monday and Thursday 9.00m - 12 noon (only)


If you would like to donate to this project one way is through the containers for change scheme.

The Community Helping Hand code is


all support is greatly appreciated.

This project is fully funded my the Emmanuel Uniting Church Community.



In 2 Corinthians Paul writes, “God loves a cheerful giver” and Emmanuel is a Christian community that consistently puts this into practice.

God has richly blessed us, and, over many years, we’ve generously invested in Mission together, within our community and abroad.

Regular giving through tithes and offerings gives us the finances to make this possible and helps us to live out our Vision of being

“Real People with Relevant Faith for Our Community.”

If you would like to financially invest in this community you can do this in one of the following ways:

Direct Deposit

Account Name: UCA – Emmanuel Uniting Church Enoggera

BSB: 334 040 Account Number: 553 839 228

Note: Please ensure that you include name and a brief reason for the payment.

Credit Card/Online



Place cash into the offering bag during the service each week.

If you would like to order weekly envelopes please contact the Church Office

During this uncertain time if you still want to contribute to the work of the church via cash please contact the church office to arrange a time that you can drop this off. Thank you for your continued support during this time.


Grow Series

In 2024 Emmanuel is undertaking a journey of Growth.

We're following a book by Scholar and Pastor Rev Dr Andrew Prince called "How Christians Grow".

The study guides for this book are below.

Copies of the book are available to purchase at Emmanuel during office hours, or contact the author directly via the Brisbane School of Theology

Leaders Guide

Participants Guide - book

Participants Guide - characters
