Girls' Brigade is great for primary and high school-aged girls looking for fun and friendship in a safe and supported environment.
We meet Thursday nights during school terms at Emmanuel Uniting Church
Prep - Grade 2 (Cadets) 6pm - 7:30pm
Grade 3-5 (Juniors) 6pm - 8pm
Grade 6-8 (Seniors) 6pm - 8pm
Grade 9-11 (Pioneers) 6pm - 8pm
All girls have the opportunity to earn awards and participate in leadership development appropriate to their age in smaller groups:
Girls' Brigade empowers girls and young women to be themselves, to develop and use their gifts and skills, and to discover what it means to have life to the full in their generation. Our weekly program includes a wide range of activities that supports the spiritual, physical, and emotional growth of girls and is committed to the values of:
We would love to welcome you to Girls' Brigade soon.
Before attending Girls' Brigade, all participants including children and adults MUST complete an online enrolment form here, and must check-in every week.
Emmanuel Playgroup offers a safe place for children 0-5 to play and develop social skills with their peers and other children and adults. It is a great place to make new friends, learn new things, and become part of a community. We welcome all young children and their carers including stay-at-home, work-from-home, and work outside the home; mums, dads, grandparents, and nannies.
We meet each Friday during school terms at 9:30 - 11:30am. Each week we have a different theme and activities to engage children. A large range of toys helps provide new experiences every week.
Cost: gold coin donation per child, per session. Bring your own food and drink.
Before attending Playgroup, all participants including children and adults MUST complete an online enrolment form here
Boys' Brigade provides Fun, Challenge and Adventure for boys aged 5-18 years
We meet Wednesday nights during school terms at Emmanuel Uniting Church
5-7 years (Anchors) 6:30pm-8pm
8-11 years (Juniors) 6:30pm-8pm
12-18 years (Seniors) 6:30pm-8:30pm
We offer a weekly program that challenges Boys spiritually, physically, socially, and educationally. Our focus is on friendships, leadership, the self-discipline needed to achieve excellence, and understanding the Christian faith. All Boys have the opportunity to earn awards, badges, and participate in leadership training, working towards their Queen's badge (the highest award a boy can receive).
Our company also participates in other activities such as camping and inter-company competitions.
We would love to welcome you to Boys' Brigade soon.
Before attending Boys' Brigade, all participants including children and adults MUST complete an online enrolment form here, and must check-in every week.
Sunday School runs during school terms within our 9:30am Sunday Service and provides a time where children aged 3 - 12 can share in fun, faith, friendships, and learn about Jesus.
Our leaders provide a range of varying experiences to help children draw closer to God through music, bible teaching, prayer, games, and creative activities. All our leaders are safe-ministry trained and screened, and will love your kids almost as much as you do.
All children aged 3 - 12 are welcome and meet as one group in the Church Hall. A range of activities including games, craft, challenges, and small group time are provided to enhance age- and developmental- appropriate learning and connection for all.
Children will start each service in the church auditorium with the congregation for songs, prayers, videos, communion, and announcements and will move to the hall with their leaders when advised. In 2025 we will continue to follow the same readings and themes as Sunday Worship, learning more about the heart of God, and how to follow him.
Before you or your family attend Sunday School you MUST complete an online enrolment form here
We are also still encouraging households to continue with Faith at Home practices whether they attend weekly Worship and Sunday School or not. Dig in at Home resources that match and complement worship and Sunday School are available at