Chapter 25: Jesus, The Son Of God
Timeless Truth: Jesus is the promised Messiah.
Bible Basis: Mark 8:27-30, 34-38, 9:30-32; John 7:11-15, 25-31, 8:12-14, 31; Mark 10:13-16; John 11:55-57; Mark 11:2-10; Matthew 21:10-11; John 12:27-33, 37, 42-50; Mark 14:1-2; Luke 22:3-6
Key Verse: “They all shouted, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David!’ ‘Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!’ ‘Hosanna in the highest heaven!’ ” (Matthew 21:9).
Resource: The Story: Teen Edition, The Story for Kids/Children/Little Ones: Chapter 25
Parent Tips:
Use the Table Talk questions to start a discussion around the dinner table during the week. The Living Faith encourages your family to think about Jesus’ claim that he was God. Theologian C.S. Lewis helps you out. The Extra Mile has your family watch a couple of videos about Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Table Talk
- Jesus loves children. In this chapter of The Story, the disciples try to keep little children from coming to Jesus. Jesus got mad and said, “let the little children come to me.” How does that make you feel?
- Do you think Jesus understands what it’s like to be a child? Why?
- Jesus said, “Anyone who will not receive God’s kingdom like a little child will never enter it.” What do you think that means?
- What part do you like best about Jesus?
- What’s your favorite story about Jesus so far?
Middle/High School
- Jesus used startling statements to grab people’s attention. In this chapter of The Story, he says “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me . . . will save it” (Mark 8:35) and “many who are first will be last, and the last first” (Mark 10:31). What do you think that means? Do you think it’s true? Why?
- Why do some of Jesus’ teachings seem so opposite of what society says?
- Which of Jesus’ teachings are the hardest for you to understand?
- Is it possible to follow the Bible’s commands without fully understanding them?
- Talk about how faith impacts your walk with the Lord.
Living Faith
In this chapter of The Story, Jesus makes it very clear that he is God’s Son and the Messiah who’s come to save people from their sins. Some people didn’t like his teachings and walked away from him. The same thing happens today as people wrestle with what Jesus said. History records the fact that Jesus walked the earth and taught many people. But Jesus said he was God, and that causes a dilemma for people—or as C.S. Lewis might say a “trilemma” as they decide if they think Jesus was a liar, lunatic or Lord. Figuring out what you think about Jesus is the most important decision you’ll ever make.
C.S. Lewis is best known for writing The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and all of The Chronicles of Narnia, but he also wrote some great books about theology, including Mere Christianity. In that book he writes: "I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg - or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronising nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."
After reading the above excerpt from Mere Christianity, discuss it as a family.
- What do you like best about Lewis’ thinking?
- Why is this argument so effective?
- What do you think people who aren’t Jesus followers would think about these statement?
Extra Mile
Churches love to re-enact Palm Sunday as Jesus came into Jerusalem on a donkey. Palm branches and jackets paved the way for the coming King. Jesus didn’t run from his destiny of dying on a cross. He rode straight into it. Watch this humorous video on YouTube called “Skit Guys – Palm Sunday” (3.55).
Did you learn anything new from this video? Pray as a family and thank God for sending his Son to die for your sins.
Chapter 24: No Ordinary Man
Timeless Truth: Jesus’ teachings have earthly benefits and heavenly rewards.
Bible Basis: Mark 4:30-34; Luke 15:1-7, 10:25-37; Matthew 5:3-12, 6:5-15; Mark 4:35-41; 6:30-44; Matthew 14:22-32; John 6:66-71
Key Verse: “We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God” (John 6:69).
Resource: The Story: Teen Edition, The Story for Kids/Children/Little Ones: Chapter 24
Parent Tips:
Use the Table Talk questions to start a discussion around the dinner table during the week. The Living Faith activity encourages your family to plan a picnic, whether you eat outdoors or inside. The Extra Mile takes your family to a Web site where you can watch a modern twist on Jesus’ parables.
Table Talk
- God doesn’t like show-offs. In Jesus’ time, some people made a big show about how spiritual they were. They’d go outside and make a huge fuss that they were praying. Jesus told his followers to act different. He taught them to pray in a quiet place. Where do you like to pray? Do you pray at a certain time of day?
- The Bible says God “knows what you need before you even ask him.” How can he know that? Since he already knows, why do you need to pray?
- When Jesus teaches us to pray, he says to forgive others the bad things they do to us, just like God forgives us. Is it hard to forgive others? Who are some people you’ve forgiven recently? Is there anyone you need to forgive right now?
- One of the coolest things Jesus did was water on the water. What do you think that would be like?
- Peter tried to walk on the water, but took his eyes off Jesus and went for a swim instead. What’s your favorite part about swimming?
Note: Young readers will enjoy “How to Pray” on pages 222-227 in the Jesus Storybook Bible.
Middle/High School
- Historians agree, even those who aren’t Christians, that Jesus was a great teacher. Some of his most famous teachings came at the Sermon on the Mount where he made a bunch of “Blessed are . . .” statements. Discuss some of them:
- For many meekness equals weakness, but Jesus says the meek are blessed and will “inherit the earth.” How? What does meek really mean?
- Blessed are the merciful. How can you show mercy?
- What are some ways you can protect your heart, so you will be “pure in heart”?
- How can you be a peacemaker?
- Jesus says you’re blessed when people insult you, persecute you and say evil things about you because of your relationship with Jesus. Has this ever happened to you?
- On several occasions Jesus raised people from the dead. In this chapter he raised Jairus’ daughter. Talk about Jesus’ power over death. Do you think this was Jesus’ most amazing miracle? If not, which miracle most amazes you?
Living Faith
Jesus feeding the 5,000 is the only miracle retold in all four gospels. When a young boy’s lunch was multiplied to feed a multitude, it showed God’s power and taught a powerful lesson about his provision. This week bring your family together for a picnic to remember Jesus’ huge impromptu picnic. Have family members choose their favorite foods to include or make a meal that’s reminiscent of what happened on that mountainside. Maybe you can buy packages of flavored tuna and a loaf of French bread. Juice boxes or bottles of water work well, because they don’t spill as easily. If it’s warm enough, eat outside at a park or in your backyard. If the weather’s cold, move your picnic indoors. Lay out a blanket in the living room and talk about Jesus’ miracle.
- Did you know Jesus actually fed way more than 5,000 people? Back then only the men were counted. When you include women and children that number may double. Does that make this miracle more impressive? Why?
- Do you find it interesting that there were 12 baskets of leftover food? Why didn’t Jesus make just enough food for everybody?
- What do you think the little boy thought when he gave up his lunch? Do you think he had any idea that Jesus was going to use it to feed everybody?
- What does this miracle teach you about God’s power?
Note: You can read a great story of God’s big picnic called “Filled Full” in the Jesus Storybook Bible on pages 244-249.
Extra Mile
Jesus used stories in about one-third of all of his teachings. That means one out of every three times that Jesus taught, he used a parable.
- Why do you think Jesus used stories so often?
Stories are still a powerful and meaningful way to explain God’s truth. But today a lot of stories are told in movies. Watch one of Jesus’ parables told in a modern way at Under Our Products, choose Modern Parables, then click on Sample Lesson. Watch the two videos that give a modern twist on Jesus’ parable of the hidden treasure found in Matthew 13:44. In all, the two videos last less than 20 minutes.
Chapter 23: Jesus’ Ministry Begins
Timeless Truth: Jesus did not come to condemn the world, but to save it.
Bible Basis: Matthew 3:1-4:11; John 1:19-34; Mark 1:31-2:12; Matthew 4:24-25; Mark 3:9-15; Luke 8:1-3
Key Verse: “People brought to him all who were ill with different kinds of sicknesses. . . . Jesus healed all of them” (Matthew 4:24).
Resource: The Story: Teen Edition, The Story for Kids/Children/Little Ones: Chapter 23
Parent Tips:
Use the Table Talk questions to start a discussion around the dinner table during the week. The Living Faith activity lets your family do a fun experiment with water as you remember Jesus’ first miracle. The Extra Mile takes your family to a video about helping somebody in need.
Table Talk
- John the Baptist prepared the way for the Lord Jesus Christ. He told people that the kingdom of heaven was coming. Some people believed him, but others thought he was weird because he wore camel-hair clothes and ate bugs. What would you think if somebody like that told you the Lord was coming?
- Have you ever eaten a bug? If not, what’s the strangest thing you’ve eaten?
- John the Baptist was also Jesus’ cousin. Do you have any funny family members?
- When John baptized Jesus, a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, and I love him. I am very pleased with him.” How does it feel when your parents say those words about you?
- What are some things you can do to please your parents?
Note: Young readers will enjoy hearing the stories “Heaven Breaks Through” and “Let’s Go!” in the Jesus Storybook Bible on pages 200-213.
Middle/High School
- Jesus called a wide variety of people to be his disciples—fishermen, tax collectors, revolutionaries—why didn’t Jesus call more powerful people like religious and government leaders?
- Think of the Christians you know. Are they all the same? Why does Jesus call people with different interests and personalities to follow him?
- When Jesus asked someone to be his disciple, he simply said, “Follow me.” What can you do to follow Jesus more closely?
- How does following Jesus change the way you act at school or with your family?
- When Satan tempted Jesus, he used Old Testament Scriptures to defend himself. Recite some Bible verses you’ve memorized. If you haven’t already, memorize John 3:16-17 as a family. Talk about how God’s Word can protect you today.
Living Faith
Jesus seemed a bit reluctant to perform his first miracle at the wedding feast. But he turned the water into wine, because his mom asked. Do you think Jesus did this at home, because the fact that he could do it didn’t seem to surprise his mother? Talk about what it must’ve been like to grow up in the same house with Jesus as you prepare for a fun experiment. You won’t be turning water into wine, but you can add a jolt of color to this clear liquid.
You’ll need to gather a clear glass or clear plastic cup, water, cooking oil, food coloring and a pencil. Fill the glass about two-thirds full with water. Now pour a little cooking oil into the glass so it creates a thin layer of oil on top of the water. Add a few drops of food coloring. What happens?
The food coloring should sit on top of the oil in a little glob. Have fun by dropping in other colors of food coloring. Now gently poke the pencil into one of the blobs of food coloring. Watch color streak into the glass. Poke all of the different colors. At the end, gentle swirl the glass and see what happens. As you carefully clean up, ask these questions about miracles:
- Jesus did many miracles. Name a few. Do you think those same miracles still happen today?
- If you could’ve witnesses any of Jesus’ miracles, which one would it have been?
- What does it tell you about Jesus that his first miracle happened at a wedding?
Extra Mile
One of the neatest events in this chapter of The Story occurred when the paralyzed man’s friends lowered him through the roof so Jesus could heal him. For a modern-day story with a similar message, go to and watch the inspiring 5:29 video called “The Home Run – Today’s Christian Videos.”
- Why did the two players decide to help the injured girl?
- Do you think the injured girl would’ve scored without their help?
- Do you think the players did the right thing by helping, even though it made their team lose the game?
- What’s your favorite part of this video?
- Why do you think everybody got so emotional?
- Do you think the friends of the paralyzed man got emotional and started jumping around on the roof of the house when their friend was healed?
Chapter 22: The Birth of the King
Timeless Truth: Jesus coming to earth is God’s plan to save mankind.
Bible Basis: John 1:1–18; Luke 1:26–55; Matthew 1:19-24; Luke 2:1-20; Matthew 2:1-3; Luke 2:41-51
Key Verse: “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you. He is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11).
Resource: The Story: Teen Edition, The Story for Kids/Children/Little Ones: Chapter 22
Parent Tips:
Use the Table Talk questions to start a discussion around the dinner table during the week. The Living Faith activity has your family listen to an upbeat song and spread some Christmas cheer—no matter what the date. The Extra Mile takes your family to a creative video about Christ’s birth.
Get the Point:
Preschool: God sent a Savior for the world. I can believe Jesus is my Savior.
Elementary: God sent a Savior for the world. I can believe Jesus is my Savior.
Middle School: God had to become like us to save us. Jesus is 100 percent man and 100 percent God.
High School: God had to become like us to save us. Jesus is 100 percent man and 100 percent God.
Table Talk
- God used angels a lot in this chapter of The Story to bring his message to people. Angels spoke to Mary, explained things to Joseph and proclaimed Jesus’ birth to the shepherds. What would you say if an angel appeared to you?
- If you saw an angel, you’d probably be scared. That’s why the angels always say, “Do not be afraid.” After you stopped being scared, what question would you want to ask an angel?
- Why do you think the angels appeared to shepherds instead of powerful, rich people?
- A couple of times in this chapter it says, “Mary kept these things like a secret treasure in her heart.” What do you think that means?
- Parents share with your children “secret treasures in your heart” about them.
- Not a lot is recorded about Jesus’ growing up years. Do you think Jesus was a good kid? Why do you think that?
Note: Young readers will enjoy hearing “The Light of the Whole World” in the Jesus Storybook Bible on page 184.
Middle/High School
- Mary was probably a teenager when an angel appeared to her and said, “the holy one that is born will be called the Son of God.” She immediately believed and prayed to God. React to these parts of her prayer:
- She said she was unimportant, but now will be called blessed.
- She said God scatters the proud.
- She said God sends the rich away empty.
- She said God has been kind to his people, like he said he would long ago.
- John writes that life was in Jesus and “that life was the light for all people.” What do you think that means?
- Is God’s light for all people? If so, why don’t all people know Jesus as Savior?
- When Jesus was 12, he ditched his parents and hung out at the temple. Did he seem sorry for his actions?
- Do you think Jesus did anything wrong by not telling his parents that he was hanging back in Jerusalem?
- Why did Jesus have so much wisdom when it came to the Scriptures?
Living Faith
Any time is the perfect time to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birth. You don’t have to wait until Christmas. If Jesus hadn’t come to earth, there would be no forgiveness of sins.
Gather your family and watch the 4:08 YouTube video of the Go Fish song “Christmas With a Capital C-2008.”
Society is trying to push out the miracle of Christ’s birth from the holidays. But like the song says, “Jesus came down to take the punishment for me. He did it for you, too, so maybe you can see why it’s called Christmas.”
Fight the trend of taking Christ out of Christmas by putting Christ in everyday. Think of somebody you know who could use a dose of cheer. As a family pick out a present that costs less than $10. Wrap it and give it to them. Let them know that Jesus has given you so much that you want to give a little away, too. Jesus’ love can’t be contained! And when Christmas comes around this year, make sure that everybody around you knows that Jesus loves them.
Extra Mile
Jesus’ birth is one of the most highly talked about historical events. Watch this surprising 2:18 video on YouTube about Christ’s birth: “Christmas Upside-down (HD).”
The video begins with a person who doubts the miracle of Jesus’ birth. But once Jesus changes his heart and gives him hope, the same text is read upside down. The truth is Jesus turns our lives upside down. Instead of being selfish, we become selfless. Instead of wanting earthly treasures, we lay up treasures in heaven. After watching the video, have family members talk about one difference that Jesus has made in their lives.
Wk 21.5 “Old Testament” recap:
Video -Bible project video on the Old Testament “TaNaK” (run time of 12 minutes)
Ice Breaker - What are the key themes that we see throughout the story in part 1 and 2?
The two movements from the Story which we have covered so far -
1) The Story of the Garden
In the garden Human beings are made in God image and have a perfect and intimate relationship with God; the test is about ‘whether they will trust God’s interpretation of Good and Evil or seize autonomy and decide for themselves’ , whilst the sin of Adam and Even brings about a break in relationship – and exile from the garden - the picture of perfection from the beginning is - human beings at peace with God and the creation.
In every sense, the bible is a story about Human beings needing to be restored to their place with God and how God will redeem his people from their exile due to the problem of sin.
In the creation, God creates human beings as the way in which he ‘wants to bless the world and rule it through humans’, as image bearers of the Himself (the divine). Of all things God has created – stars, planets, animals, mountains and seas, the things which most likely represent God’s likeness – is us. In what sense then, does worshipping a created thing (idolatry in the O.T) show a lack of understanding as to what it means to be ‘made in God’s image’?
Movement 1 of the story encompasses creation, fall, flood (with a deliverer in Noah who has intimate relationship with God) culminates in Babel (Babylon). Human beings are at enmity with each other engaging in violence and oppression and people trying to exalt themselves to the place of God (Gen 11). The account of Babel (we revisited this with our Pentecost study) where humans try and build a tower up into heaven culminates in another curse; fractured humanity exiled into the world and at enmity with God and each other.
2) The Story of Israel
The Story of Israel centred on the figure of Abraham, called out of exile from Babylon, and into a new Garden-like-land, promised by God to his family. In short, restored relationship and blessing. Yet Abraham’s family – Israel and his 12 sons end up exiled in Egypt. At their best, the show signs of trusting God’s promise – faith.
In Egypt (exile) God raises up a deliver (Moses)– to restore the people to himself and enter into a covenant relationship with himself.
In the video we see Moses described as a prophet (who speaks God’s word), a priest (who intercedes / makes sacrifice for the people) and a king (leader and deliverer in time of need). Moses said – as recorded in Deuteronomy 18:15 that “God will raise up a prophet like me from among you”. Yet ‘never do we see another one like Moses… how do we see that pointing to a future hope that isn’t fulfilled in the Old Testament?
Joshua starts out like Moses – meditating on God’s law, but fails … beginning Israel’s descent (before they even reach ‘the new garden-like-land’.
The story of the Israelite Kings: Saul, David and Solomon, all start with highpoints, calling people into right relationship with God, maintaining covenant faithfulness, yet the march towards exile continues with the successive failure of kings, priests and prophets; culminating in the splitting in half of the kingdom and the exile of the Northern tribes (Assyria) and then Jerusalem itself, with the family of Abraham ending up back where it began, as exiles in Babylon. The highpoints of this period are when God’s people – prophets priests and kings, trust God and live according to his covenant. Yet the promise of God to bless humanity with a new human – a king in the line of David (2 Sam7), remains unfulfilled. How are these stories point to a future hope ? (hint like David, Solomon and Moses…)
The latter prophets who operated during the time of the fall of Israel and Jerusalem called people to repentance operating with accusation and warning, yet they spoke of God’s promise andpurpose, “to purify his people and recreate a new Israel who would be faithful [like Abraham] and live in covenant relationship with God”. How was this fulfilled through the returning of exile and restoration of the temple and Jerusalem? Yet how did it remain unfulfilled, what future anticipation was there ?-
The chronicles a retelling of the whole Tanak (O.T.) talk about God’s promise to David, “of a future king who will reunite God’s people in a new Jerusalem and bring divine blessing to the nations”.
How is this a remedy to the situation which we arrive at the end of parts one (the garden-babylon) and two ( Israel) of the Story ?
The end of the story parts 1 and 2 is looking for a future hope – of a new humanity in which God restores the hearts of people, giving the gift of the spirit and redeeming people from exile, that they might experience relationship with God and enjoy him forever.
Can you think of one or two key verses which name that ?
Homework (for Sunday!) In your own words, tell the story parts 1 and 2 so that you can give someone who has no idea what the bible says, a sufficient summary of the entire O.T. in say 30 seconds. Think about what to include from these words – or explaining what they signify.
Creation, relationship with God, sin, evil, exile, Babylon, promise, covenant, moses, king, priest, prophet, David, Spirit, Heart, hope.
Between Pentecost (28 May) and the Uniting Church Anniversary (22 June) this year, we’re calling the whole Uniting Church to join in prayer. Sign up now!
Uniting in Prayer is 26 days of prayer and connection in the middle of the Act2 Project, which is currently grappling with the ferment and change we are experiencing as the Uniting Church like many other Christian communities around the world. As we seek to discern the outlines of our future life, this is a chance to pause, holding our Church before God and upholding each other in love and prayer.
All who call the Uniting Church home are invited to join together in thanksgiving and hope to pray and seek the leading of the Spirit for the years ahead.
During these days of prayer we’ll give thanks to God for our past, reflect on our present, and listen to God’s calling and each other.
Click here for six ways to get involved through these 26 days, including…
- sharing together in prayer and worship (resources below on this page)
- praying with us daily
- praying for others through the national prayer chain (download below on this page)
- joining our online prayer gathering on Thursday 15 June - register below
Let’s join together as we seek the outpouring of God’s Spirit on us and the Uniting Church, and dream dreams together for the future.
Below is a video message from Uniting Church President Rev Sharon Hollis which you can use to launch Uniting in Prayer in worship on Pentecost Sunday. Read more and download it directly here.
Chapter 21: Rebuilding the Walls
Timeless Truth: God keeps his covenant with those who love him.
Bible Basis: Ezra 7:1, 7, 10-11; Nehemiah 1:2-6, 11, 4:4-6, 13-23, 8:1-12
Key Verse: Don’t be afraid of your enemies. Remember the Lord. He is great and powerful (Nehemiah 4:14).
Resource: The Story: Teen Edition, The Story for Kids/Children/Little Ones: Chapter 21
Parent Tips:
Use the Table Talk questions to start a discussion around the dinner table during the week. The Living Faith activity takes your family to a Web site to play a classic “wall breaker” video game. The Extra Mile encourages your family to do something to make God’s people safer.
Get the Point:
Preschool: Nehemiah was sure of God’s power. God is on my side.
Elementary: Nehemiah was sure of God’s power. God is on my side.
Middle School: When God’s people work together for what God wants, they can accomplish amazing things quickly.
High School: When God’s people work together for what God wants, they can accomplish amazing things quickly.
Table Talk
- When the walls around Jerusalem were completed, the people celebrated. Ezra, the priest, read God’s law to them from sunrise to noon (Nehemiah 8:3). Why do you think he did that?
- Do you think the people got bored?
- What’s the longest you’ve ever been in church? What did you do?
- What’s the longest that you’ve listened to somebody talk about God? What do you remember most?
- After Ezra spoke, the people went away and celebrated with great joy, because they now understood God’s word. Why did they react this way?
- Do you react the same way when you hear God’s Word? Why?
Note: Young readers will enjoy “Get Ready” in the Jesus Storybook Bible on page 170.
Middle/High School
- Rebuilding the wall was a monumental task. God’s people got help from a powerful king and were pestered by nearby rulers. To protect his people and still get the work done, Nehemiah told the workers to carry supplies in one hand and a sword in the other. What does that tell you about the working conditions?
- Does God want you to be helpful, on one hand, and ready for battle with the other? How could you do that in your daily life?
- In the beginning of this chapter of The Story, God’s people are making some decisions that go against God’s law. Why don’t they learn?
- Are there areas of your life where you need constant reminders to follow God’s standards?
- Is reminding people through godly role models or writing a new thing or has it been the way God worked with his people for a long time?
- How did Ezra help the Jewish people get back on track with God? Do you think knowing God’s Word better would help you, too?
- How does it feel to know that you’ve just read through the Old Testament? Do something to celebrate.
Living Faith
Nehemiah was brilliant in getting all of God’s people to work together in rebuilding Jerusalem’s wall. By working together, they completed the project in 52 days! Before that, the Jews had languished in their attempts to protect and rebuild Jerusalem. King Cyrus first allowed God’s people to return to Jerusalem in 560 B.C. Then the second temple was completed in 516 B.C., but for 70 years the city was vulnerable to attack. In fact, many of the surrounding rulers made sure to keep the Israelites weak. But when Nehemiah showed up in 445 B.C., it took just less than two months to secure the walls and give God’s people a safe place to live. In all it took 115 years for God’s people to rebuild and fortify Jerusalem.
Have your family pretend to be raiders on Jerusalem by playing a classic “breakout” video game. You can go to or go to Google and search for “Breakout games.” See which family member is best at breaking down the walls. Let everybody take a couple of turns and then give a prize to who scores the highest.
Extra Mile
When Nehemiah learned that God’s people were having a hard time and that people were making fun of them, he wept. He didn’t want God’s people to suffer. He wanted them to be safe and protected.
Sit down with your family and brainstorm ideas on what you could do to make God’s people safer in your area. Maybe there’s a project at your church that needs to get done. You could:
- Help build a walkway at church.
- Paint or mark the handicap spaces more clearly.
- Put up signs to better direct people to classrooms or the sanctuary.
- Volunteer to help care for babies in the nursery.
- Shovel snow off the sidewalk in winter.
There are tons of other ideas. Concentrate on ideas that will keep God’s people safe, and then ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to make these ideas a reality. You may need to include another family from church or the whole congregation. Dream big. Nehemiah did, and God helped him accomplish his goal extremely fast.